This statement sets out this site's policies relating to the privacy and security of your personal information and security of your other information. This privacy and security statement applies only to this site.
This site is operated in compliance with the Government of South Australia's information privacy principles (IPPs), a copy of which can be obtained on the Department of the Premier and Cabinet website.
AGD uses Kiteworks - a secure data encryption system - to transfer sensitive information outside of the department.
This site collects and uses the following information from users:
- The user's IP address, the date and time of the visit to the site, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, the previous website visited and the type of browser used. No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities, except in the unlikely event of an investigation where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect our service provider's logs. This information is analysed to determine the site's usage statistics.
- The site retains the personal information that people provide of people who use the 'Contact us' and other forms, so that we can send a response. They are stored in a secure area of the website server space and within the Government of South Australia's message services system, and will not be used for any other purpose, nor disclosed without your consent.
- Your personal information will not be disclosed to a third party except in accordance with the IPPs and the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA).
- Site administrators are required to protect and handle your personal information in accordance with the IPPs.
- This site and the Government of South Australia are responsible for the privacy and security of information while it is stored on or passing through this site. The Government of South Australia agencies and instrumentalities are responsible for the privacy and security of information collected by, stored on or passing through their own websites.
- You should note that there are inherent risks associated with transmission of information via the internet. You should make your own assessment of the potential risks to the security of your information when making a decision as to whether or not you should use this site. There are alternative ways to obtaining information from, and transacting business with the Government of South Australia for those users who do not wish to use the internet.
- This site contains links to other websites that are included on the basis of containing content relevant to the South Australian community, business or government. When a user clicks on a link to another website, they leave this site and this privacy and security statement no longer applies.
- The content of this privacy and security statement may be updated from time to time, so we suggest that if you return to this site on a regular basis you carefully read the information provided.
About Kiteworks
Kiteworks - also known as SecureFile - is a whole of government solution to securely transfer sensitive information outside of government.
The Attorney-General's Department (AGD) requires information identified as 'Sensitive' to be encrypted when being transmitted over public networks.
Kiteworks has strong protections, providing encryption for data in transit and also while the data is at rest.
AGD has its own instance of Kiteworks and has applied a level of protection that complies with the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPs 140-2). Files are encrypted using AES 256-bit encryption and each file has a unique key.
External vendors or cloud providers do not have access to SA Government data uploaded to Kiteworks. Additionally, system administrators cannot access user's data files on the system.