Industrial Relations and Policy advises and represents the 'declared employer' of public employees in the South Australian Employment Tribunal, in matters under the Fair Work Act 1994 such as:

  • Enterprise bargaining in the public sector
  • Industrial disputes
  • Certain other proceedings in the South Australian Employment Tribunal involving legal disputes over compliance with awards or enterprise agreements.

The Fair Work Act 1994 (SA) is the industrial relations legislation that applies to employment in the State public sector (excepting SA Water and Rail Commissioner) and in local government.

For the purpose of the Act, the Chief Executive, Attorney-General’s Department is the 'declared employer' of public employees.

Our work with other agencies

We work closely with other public sector agencies and where appropriate, with the Crown Solicitor’s Office or external lawyers.

We also advise the Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector about these matters and related matters of policy.

Contact us

We welcome requests for advice and help with public sector industrial relations issues from public sector agencies.
