Notice of Intention to Negotiate Enterprise Agreement
Current Enterprise Agreement
- South Australian Modern Public Sector Enterprise Agreement: (Salaried) 2021 (PDF, 9.9 MB)
- Variations of Enterprise Agreement (Salaried) 2021 (PDF, 630.3 KB)
Underlying Industrial Awards / Instruments
- SA Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award (PDF, 8.8 MB)
- Medical Scientists (South Australian Public Sector) Award (PDF, 4.8 MB)
- Public Service (Recreation Leave Loading) Award (PDF, 248.2 KB)
- Visiting Dental Staff Agreement (unregistered: dated 1980) (PDF 366KB)
- Dental Officers Agreement (unregistered: dated 1980) (PDF 29KB)
- Grant Funded Scientists (unregistered agreement: APESMA dated 2001) (PDF 197KB)