Feedback on significant reforms to South Australia’s electoral laws, including banning political donations is now closed.
In 2013, laws regulating political financing in South Australia were passed. Despite these reforms, there is still significant public concern and scepticism around the motivations of political donors, and the influence they have on government decision-making.
About the proposed changes
The government has drafted the Electoral (Accountability and Integrity) Amendment Bill 2024 which:
- prohibits electoral donations to registered political parties and other participants
- applies a cap on donations made to newly registered political parties, entitled candidates and entitled groups
- restructures the public funding model
- increases administrative funding
- introduces an advance payment scheme
- amends party registration and nomination requirements
- inserts new definitions, including the term 'donation'.
This would help to ensure power is kept in the hands of voters and give both established and new voices an equal footing in state elections.
Have your say
Feedback on the draft Bill is now closed.
Submissions closed Thursday 11 July, 2024.
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